At face
value, DCC appears to be another D&D Basic retro-clone; it is so much more
than that. While DCC employs race-as-class and the same class options as basic,
the similarities stop there. DCC, while undeniably OSR, is not a retro-clone,
but rather a re-envisioning of Basic. That is what makes Joseph Goodman’s
(A.K.A. The Dark Master) hard work so impressive. The feel is undeniably old-school.
When I sit at the table to play DCC I have the same sense of wonder that I had
when I started playing 2nd Edition back in ’98. To me, this ability
to elicit this feeling is what really makes the OSR what it is. So what is
Dungeon Crawl Classics doing to differentiate itself from the rest of the pack?

sentiments. It seems reasonable that to understand a thing, one must understand its foundations. To this end, Goodman was incredibly successful. The very fabric of the game is dripping with influence from the texts that comprise the Appendix N, and this explains DCC’s unique feel.
the setting is wild, the monsters are unfamiliar, and the magic is potent and
terrifying. The distinction between science fiction and fantasy is blurred
almost into non-existence, and this makes for a supremely interesting game
world. Combat is quick and explosive (often literally), and the dungeon crawl
has had new life breathed into its (quite frankly) withering remains. The game
encourages a different, higher level of imagination and immersion, and it does
so in a way that feels different from other table-top RPGs. Ultimately, it is a
game that must be played to be understood.
Rulings, Not Rules
thing I have come to love about the OSR which DCC epitomizes is the concept of
stressing a judge’s rulings over a set of rules. In a lot of modern gaming
circles this idea seems more controversial than I think I should be. It seems
to me that it is a conceit of the medium that the Game Master’s word should be
treated as law, for the GM is the individual that is giving up the time to help
create a consistent world for the players to game. Since the advent of the 3rd
edition and its bastard offspring (Pathfinder) players have become more
committed to the idea that if it is in a splat book, it should be honored in
the game. This, to me, is absurd for several reasons which I will save for
another post, but Dungeon Crawl Classics successfully avoids this trap by
containing the ruleset to one enormous volume. No splat books. That’s right
people: none.

Dungeon Crawl Classics has no
skills, no feats, and no unnecessary rules. It is bare-bones in a way that truly
enables a Game Master to craft the kind of game s/he really wants to run, while
still having enough interesting features and rules to keep game play from
feeling stale and boring. DCC is the Aristotelian Golden Mean of table-top
Strong on his mountain (err… at his desk),
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